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Backflow Preventers
Residential -Commercial-Industrial


  • Installation - We install backflows per code, which means we install a Y strainer (this collects small particles of dirt that is naturally found in water & it helps prevent the backflow from failing.) This is an inexpensive, very important item that should never be overlooked. Also, we include an expansion tank in the installation, another item vital to the long life of your backflow.

  • Testing - A typical test (state mandated law) only has your water off for literally 2 minutes. That’s all the time it takes to test your backflow.

  • Repairs - If the backflow is small, as in a 3/4 inch or a 1 inch, we would recommend the backflow be replaced and not repaired. Anything larger can be repaired by purchasing a repair kit.

  • Vacuum Breaker- This would be installed on your outside spigots to prevent cross contamination.

Backflows protect the occupants of the building against cross contamination, keeping the residents/workers safe from drinking water that could be sucked back into the potable water system through cross contamination.

So there you go, test your backflow!

DID YOU KNOW.........that a backflow test (and installation) is a STATE MANDATED DEVICE that must be installed in any residential building, 4 units or more, and every commercial property.
For example, if your an accountant, tailor, or candlestick maker, it doesn't matter. You need a backflow REGARDLESS of how much water the establishment uses.
It is also a state mandate that the unit is tested 1 time per year!